Friday, March 30, 2007

30th march o7

soo i lost my passwod again! how annoying. but anyways today i used frames in dreamweaver to work out how to a basic layout in dreamweaver if i ever needed to get something running quickly. And then i did linkage!!! and pressed the save all button. and saved all of it into a folder! WOOT!

After this we lerant about the power of layers and the power layers have over tables. editible a bit like photoshop layers can also be transformed into tables. ideal really.

Friday, March 16, 2007

OMG 16th march

so after loosing my password and finally managing to get back onto this bloody website its time for my blog entitled "what I learned today".

title>Shoes Really cheap cool shoes
meta equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
meta name="description" content="For the lowest prices on the hotest shoes with more choice than you can shake a stick at.">
meta name="keywords" content="shoes stylish trainers">

Our next task was to annalise the Virgin websites good and bad points.

This page is difficult to read and also red on red makes it painful to try, as well as being cluttered. The whole page is also made in flash meaning that potential viewers may have difficulty reading the site.

Friday, March 2, 2007

First Blog - How original!

So then... Today i had no contact lenses so i pretty much sat in front of the pc for most of the lesson doing nothing. What i did manage to do was get annoyed at myspace because of all the different sites people have, meaning it is impossile to pick out one just via browsing.
I (hate is such a strong word) REALLY REALY REALLY DONT LIKE MYSPACE!

on a productive note I began to write my essay on comparing two myspace profiles, but did not manage to find a terrible one.